Thursday, June 5, 2008


Almost every night, i had to go down to take care of my dog! He is just so irritating lol! 11pm! Shout for me! Let me out to shit! Let me out to pee! haha! Though it is irritating but everytime i am with him alone outside my house at his cage, the setting seems perfect for me to always ponder and the emptiness of something just sets in.

It is always nice to think about everything everyday but not emoing! Theres a difference haha, i feel that though i always had to clean my dog pee and poo i had time to think of all these and really realized how blessed i am! Which areas in life i am lacking! And how amazing some people actually perceived life so differently from what i thought! Hard to express through words but easy to think of all these =)

Life is just so amazing. Everything has a reason. And coming down every night to clean my dog's poo and pee is not excluded too. God has planned it all =)

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